100 Hr Trauma Informed YTT Payment Methods

You can select whichever method of payment best suits your needs. Please read about the handling charges and also implications if you have to cancel your booking. Please note that you have the full amount on or before 1st Nov 2018.

  • Bank Transfer

This probably will incur the least amount of bank charges for you.  We don’t charge any additional handling fee to look after this for you. You need to pay the full amount to Atira Tan bank account when booking your retreat. We will hold your booking for 3 working days which it takes for the banks to transfer the retreat fee. For cancellation, please see terms & conditions with the addition of $60 AUD handling charge for tracking and reversal of your bank transfer payments.

All bank transfer details are:

Name: L Tan BSB: 733178 ACC: 602875

  • Paypal

You may pay the full retreat fee or in installment basis, at the time you book using Paypal (atira@haveworldwilltravel.com/atira).  We will charge you 5% of the total amount in order to cover the Paypal charges. For cancellation, please see terms & conditions with the addition of $60 AUD handling charge for tracking and reversal of your bank transfer payments.

  • Transfer wise

You need to pay the full amount at the time you book using Transferwise. We will charge you 1% of the total amount in order to cover the bank charges. For cancellation, please see terms & conditions with the addition of $60 AUD handling charge for tracking and reversal of your bank transfer payments.

For more details, please email atira@haveworldwilltravel.com/atira.


Upcoming Events…

Women’s Yoga & Leadership Training

Ericeira, Portugal

1st – 10th June 2019

 Healing Trauma Retreat

Pucallpa, Peru

1st – 12th July 2019

Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher Training

Kathmandu, Nepal

6th – 22nd Dec 2019